Sources as revealed that many users have thronged social media or forums complaining about the issue, while some users are posting photos of a red-tinged phone alongside a normal phone, to prove that the issue persists. An industry analyst cited by the report claimed the issue could be due to a colour balance problem caused due to use of a "deep red AMOLED to strengthen the red."
Report explains that Samsung's Galaxy S8 OLED panel uses two sub-pixels - red green and blue green - and this poses the risk of having a colour balance problem due to two greens. To eradicate this problem, Samsung developed deep red OLED panels, and this reddish tint on specific smartphones may be due to a glitch in the new process.
Not all users are facing this problem though, and Samsung has said, "It is not a quality problem and it can be adjusted with the phone itself. If the colour still appears to be reddish, customers can change it at the service center," the report quotes. However, certain users claim that that their display was already optimised.
If affected, the best thing to do is head to a service centre and ask for a replacement as soon as possible. Samsung is set to launch the Samsung Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+ in India on Wednesday, and availability has already been confirmed on Flipkart.