Monday night’s nomination show was full of suspence and surprises as actor Bassey, Bisola, CocoIce, Debie-Rise and Gifty were announced as the housemates that are up for possible eviction. With last Sunday’s eviction of Soma and Miyonse still fresh in their memories, the housemates have come to understand the rule of the game.
They took turns in the diary room to nominate two housemates they wanted out of the house. First to nominate was Bally. He delayed the use of his green advantage card and nominated Bisola and TTT. New comer Debie-Rise nominated Marvis and Bisola while Kemen nominated Bisola and TTT.
The next in line was CocoIce, who nominated TTT and Bassey; with TBoss going with Marvis and Bassey. For Bassey’s first nomination, he picked CocoIce and Kemen while Uriel nominated CocoIce (no surprise there) and TTT. Gifty nominated Bassey and CocoIce; and Head of House (HoH) Efe went with TBoss and CocoIce. Finally, TTT nominated Debie-Rise and Gifty; and Marvis nominated CocoIce and Debie-Rise.
At the end of the nominations, ‘Biggie’ called out CocoIce, TTT, Bisola, Debie-Rise and Bassey as the housemates with the highest nominations. As expected, HoH Efe was called on to save one of the housemates and replace with another. In less than 20 seconds, Efe opted to save TTT and put up Gifty in his place.
Speaking on the show, Martin Mabutho, General Manager, Marketing, MultiChoice Nigeria said: “The next few days will no doubt be intense as five housemates will do all it takes to secure their places in the competition”. He also added, “With as little as N1,800 you can join in on the Big Brother Naija experience which is available on all DStv packages and on GOtv Plus”, he concluded. The next eviction show holds on Sunday, February 12.
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