In varying degrees, all of us are degree holders with varying degrees.- 'Femi Awolesi
The number one thing the overwhelming majority of college students all over the world is seeking, is a degree. But in spite of this degree-seeking escapade, I'm quite convinced that all of us (even without the aquisition of this so-called degree)- with different colours, heights, languages, weights, cultures- are degree holders with varying degrees.
Every one of us has a bachelor's degree in what he or she was born to do, but only few people possess a master's degree in it. We all have natural talents, abilities and proclivities.
While it is veritable that some people are aware of theirs, others will have to dig deep like one who's looking for his lost coin in the water. We are all gifted for something, we are all unique and our uniqueness should and must glorify God.
Some people on waking up love to sing aloud, other people love to solve dispute. Few love to motivate. A number of people love to share the message of Jesus as they feel so great an intense desire to do so.
Others love to give, give and give so that the next persons might receive, eat and live. Few motivate. A few love to take charge.
Select few don't know what they're born to do(and as such, they end up living someone else's dream, thereby becoming a prototype or second to such).
It's quite unfortunate that some, till now, live like a spectator watching a football match. Yet, they don't learn anything.
As we age, the indicators allow us to have a mental picture of our destiny. Some, however, are not able to recognize their true selves, perhaps, as a result of pessimisms and criticisms which they take for a reality and in turn, they become ambassadors of mediocrity.
Someone said, 'God doesn't make junks'. Even though this is true, many have denigrated themselves to the height of a toothpick. What a pity!
They settled for less.
Quite a few of the bachelor's degree holders have a MASTERY of what they are born to do. Because upon realization of whatsit, they were wise to learn the skill, do the drill and satisfy their inner urge. They put into action what Jesus, the master Teacher of all time said:
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hid in a field; when a man had found it, he hid it, and for joy thereof went and sold all that he had, and bought that field.
Prior to this time, they sought counsel amongst people- young and old- specially those who had gone ahead of them. In the end, they simply drew it out, for counsel in the heart of man, Solomon says, is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out.
These people hold a master's degree. Unlike those who are satisfied with the initial degree who do not plow by the reason of the cold.
To stand out as masters of our gifting, we must not settle for less but rather, settle less. We must keep on keeping on. Since deep calls unto deep, we must dig deep to dip out the deep in deep.
We were not born to be mediocre in this journey called life. God has created us champions, we mustn't die not winning.
A sector of the select few have got a PhD for themselves by not only teaching humanity with their gifts but teaching them the how-tos.
They have solved a great deal of problems and have learnt that if they do not hoist their flags upon the hearts of others before their demise, no one would realize they were here.
They are not self-centered like the man whom God called a fool. They have established a school or group so as to transmit the genius in them to others.
In the final analysis, we will not be asked what we have learned but what and how we have done this and that which we have been given.
Paul told Timothy, "stir up the gift of God that is in you". But the question I ask is: Will your gift bring about moral decadence in our changing, perturbing, challenging and decaying culture?
You want to sing music. What sort of songs do you want to breathe out into humanity? You want to shoot videos; what sort of videos occupy your thoughts? You want to go into fashion-designing; what kinda clothes do you want to make?
See, if we refuse to use our tools for the right and essential purposes of God, we will only decay gradually, and be as a recluse abused through disuse. The words that hit my head now are: Things fall apart, (you, complete it).
As I wrap things up, I want to remind you that you are thoroughly beautiful; a masterpiece of divine architectural dexterity, created not to blend in, lend in, or end in mumbo-jumbos of everyday life but, to make a difference within and without.
We all have been conferred a degree from above but it is up to us to go farther and not dabble our way through life, vacillating.
Remember, all are degree holders with varying degrees.
By Femi Awolesi
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